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的 转化神经科学研究所 is happy to announce our new SYNAPSES panel discussion, which will allow for communication and discussion about the newest 神经科学研究的进展与技术. “突触”是一种结构 permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to communicate with another neuron by transmission 信息和信号.

第三次SYNAPSES小组讨论将在下午3:30举行.m.2024年4月24日,星期三. 的 event will be in person at the Sinquefield Room (R409), DuBourg Hall at Saint 路易 大学.  讨论的主题是“基因治疗在神经系统疾病中的应用” 疾病”. 活动结束后将有一个灯光招待会,以方便更多的人 关于主题和网络的对话.


Professor; Pediatrics, Genetics, Neurology

Chair; Health Care Ethics
Professor; Health Care Ethics and Philosophy
Director; Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics

Centennial Professor; Pediatrics
Chief; Genetics and Genomic Medicine

请回复参加此免费活动. 登记, 点击这里. 欢迎大家参加! 


Do you want to join a committee, contact a member of our committees, or have a question 如何更多地参与ITN的所有事情? 看看下面我们的阵容 

  • 行政领导团队: 
    • Daniela Salvemini博士.D. (椅子)
      • 西尔维娅·苏斯提亚克博士.D. (副主席)
      • 乔治·格罗斯伯格,m.g.D.
      • 瑞克·萨姆森博士.D.
      • 托尼·布坎南博士.D.
      • 贾法尔·卡菲,M.D., Ph.D.
  • 研究委员会:
    • 苏珊·法尔博士.D. (椅子)
      • Aubin motal博士.D. (主持)
      • Philippe Mercier, m.s.D., Ph.D.
      • 约翰·沃克博士.D.
      • 徐凤莲博士.D.
      • 尤娜·阿亚拉博士.D.
  • 教育 & Student-Postdoctoral: 
    • 马克·克努普弗博士.D. (椅子)
      • 蒂姆·道尔博士.D.
    • 斯蒂芬妮·迈克尔斯基博士.D. (椅子)

Janaíne Prata de Oliveira博士.D.她将以博士后的身份加入丹妮拉·萨尔米尼的实验室 2024年7月研究员. Janaíne获得博士学位.获得大学药理学博士学位 在巴西圣保罗博士索拉亚·科斯塔教授的指导下.D. 在她 Ph.D., she developed a new model of orofacial pain induced by occlusal trauma, explored molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in pain transduction and identified novel 基于非甾体抗炎药硫化氢释放衍生物的治疗方法. Janaine也 spent a year as a visiting researcher at the 大学 of KU Leuven in Belgium under Alexandre Denadai博士的指导.D.他在肝病科工作. 在她 period in Belgium, she explored the protective effects of various drugs in the intestinal barrier using human intestinal organoids and intestinal epithelial 细胞. 她在疼痛机制,体内药理学,成像, 和rna测序分析. 她的研究兴趣包括研究新的药理学 神经性疼痛的治疗及其对神经免疫相互作用的影响. Janaíne Prata de Oliveira博士.D.加入萨尔米尼博士的实验室


文森扎·西法雷利博士.D.他是药学系的助理教授 和生理学获得了5万美元的总统研究基金.00. 的 grant titled, "Determining the role of a novel E3 ligase Ube4A in intestinal function 和IBD”将允许Cifarelli和Anutosh Chakraborty博士.D.,副教授 also in the Department of 药理学 and 生理学, to decipher mechanisms by which Ube4A蛋白调节肠道功能和疾病. 该项目将利用 new mouse models and various cutting-edge tools to define novel mechanisms that cause intestinal diseases and may offer new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of 炎症性肠病和结肠炎.

药学系终身助教/副教授 & 生理学

博彩网址大全 Department of 药理学 and 生理学 seeks highly motivated investigators at the assistant/associate professor level within the tenure track. 的 search is part of a four-year cluster hiring process to grow pain research. 的 Department of 药理学 and 生理学 is a vibrant, dynamic, multidisciplinary and highly collaborative department that offers access to excellent core facilities and opportunities to join collaborative centers including the Institute for Translational Neuroscience and Institute for Drug and Biotherapeutic Innovation, the Institute of 临床和转化科学,疫苗中心和肝脏中心. 成员 of our community have access to the nationally acclaimed Cortex Innovation Community, to multiple local startup-supporting institutions and to the fast-growing, cutting-edge 医疗和生物技术社区在整个圣. 路易 地区. 与疼痛相关学科的候选人,如药物 discovery, structural biology and chemical biology are strongly encouraged to apply. 申请号是2023-07662.


欢迎Juliana M. Navia Pelaez博士.D. 博彩网址大全

Juliana Navia Pelaez博士.D. 加入了药理学和生理学系 2月. 1、2024年,任助理教授(TT). Navia Pelaez完成了她的毕业 studies in vascular biology at UFMG, Brazil, focusing on cellular responses to oxidized 脂质. 随后,她继续在疼痛和代谢的博士后培训 the 大学 of California, San Diego, under the dual mentorship of Tony Yaksh (vice chair for research in anesthesiology and Distinguished Professor in Anesthesiology 和药理学)和Yury Miller (M.D., Ph.D.; professor of medicine, Division of 内分泌与代谢学). 作为一名博士后,她的发现,这表明增加 lipid rafts and intracellular lipid storage in microglia and neurons, contributed to the growing knowledge linking dysregulated lipid metabolism to hypersensitivity 疼痛状态. 现在,她将领导博彩网址大全系里的一个新实验室 of 药理学 and 生理学, dedicated to understanding how lipid metabolism influences 疼痛状态和对慢性疼痛的易感性. 她的研究将主要调查 immuno-metabolic changes and the related transcriptional regulation underlying chronic 疼痛的发展. 利用不同的慢性疼痛动物模型和先进的组学 and biochemistry tools, her lab will explore neuroimmune interactions, cellular reprogramming, and metabolic shifts across various cell types involved in nociceptive pathways, particularly 巨噬细胞和小胶质细胞. 该实验室旨在发现早期疼痛生物标志物并揭示 new pathways and potential therapeutic targets for treating various chronic pain conditions.


博彩网址大全研究所制作了一个新的视频来宣传ITN. 如果这个滑了 by you, take some time to check it out and share with your friends, colleagues and 社交网络.

ITN Director Elected for New Director position on the Board of the United States Association 对疼痛的研究
最近的博士. Salvemini形象

Daniela Salvemini博士.D.William Beaumont教授,系系主任 药理学 & 生理学和转化神经科学研究所所长, was elected for a Director position on the Board of the United States Association 美国疼痛研究协会(USAPS). 祝贺你!